Eddy Vleeschdrager Curriculum Vitae

Meer dan 40 jaar actief in de diamantsector en reeds van de 4de generatie.
Depuis plus de 40 ans actif dans le secteur diamantaire, déjà depuis la 4ième génération.
Over 40 years experience in diamond business and manufacturing, already the 4th generation.
Già la quarta generazione, attivo da piu di 40 anni nel settore diamantaio.

  • Christian name : EDDY, EMMANUEL-JACQUES
  • OFFICE IN ANTWERP: Pelikaanstraat, 78 off 3 | P.O.box Diamond Club Hovenierstraat, 35 | B2018 Antwerp | M: +32(0)475.24.45.95 | F: +32(0)3-322.91.02 | E: info@expert-diamond.com
  • OFFICE IN ITALY: via del Bollo, 3 | I-20123 Milano | T: +39 347 747 0500 | T: + 39(031)497.23.10 | F: +39(031)497.23.13 | W: www.digici.eu | W: www.diamondgemconsultant.com | W: artjewelryauction@pec.it
  • Born : Carcassonne (France) 28/08/1940
  • Nationality : Belgium

Since 1966 in the « the Diamond & Precious Stones » business and manufacturing, already the 4th generation in diamond business.
Professional training:
Diamonds: cleaving, sawing, polishing, cutting of diamonds at SITO in Antwerp, and precious stones (ruby, sapphire, emeralds and colour stones) lapidary in Idar-Oberstein, Germany.
Graduated gemmologist H.R.D. (Diamond High Council) 1995, and Diamond Grader E.G.L.1975 (European Gemmological Laboratory), Diploma Honoris Causa HRD.
ISO-EN 17024 certification as expert and consultant for diamond and precious stones, cutting, rough and polished.
NATO: Security clearance n° 48542/26542.2012
Missions in English, French and Dutch.
- eddy@expert-diamond.com
- eddy@arbitrage-kamer.be
- www.expert-diamond.com
- www.lediamant.be
- eddy.expert.diamond@gmail.com
- eddy.arbitrage.kamer@gmail.com
Post-office Diamond Club, Hoveniersstraat, 35, Antwerp B-2018
Phone: +32 475 24 45 95 - +32 3 321 91 68
Fax: +32 3 322 91 02

  • First President of the Arbitration Court of Experts, bvd Sylvain Dupuis 213 at 1070 Brussels.
  • Vice President of the Court of Arbitration at the Federation of diamond bourses.
  • Member of the Chamber of Arbitration of Chamber of Commerce in Antwerp.
  • Expert by the Customs and Excises and the World Bank since 1980.
  • Registered on the list of experts of different courts of Justice in Belgium and abroad, for diamonds, precious stones, jewels and minerals since 1983.
  • Emeritus President of the “Guild of Diamond and Precious Stones, Antwerp 1582”
  • Emeritus Judge at the Court of Appeal for Labour in Antwerp.
  • Past President of the “European Certification Institute for Consultants and Experts”, EUROCERTICE, 2A Boulvard Joseph II at Luxemburg (2000-2012).
  • Teacher at “Institut National de Gemmologie de France” Paris.
  • Member of training commission of the Chamber of Experts of the Court of Justice.
  • Member of the board of directors at the Diamond Kring
  • Member of the board of directors of Scientifical and technical recherché center


  • President and founder of the Gemmological Institute of the H.R.D. (1978-2003).
  • Director of the Diamond High Council (H.R.D.) 1982-2002.
  • President of the Flemish Chamber of Expert of the Court of Justice, (1985 – 1995).
  • President of the Masters Diamond Sawyers, (1978 – 1993).
  • Director of the Scientifical and Technical Research Centre for Diamonds (WTOCD).
  • Director of the Antwerp Diamond Cutting School, (1980-1990).
  • Director of the Syndicate of Belgian Diamond Industry (1978-1993).
  • Vice President of the Belgian Chamber of Experts of the Court of Justice (1985 – 1995).
  • Judge at the Court of Labour of Antwerp (1988-2002).
  • Judge at the Court of Appeal of Labour of Antwerp (2002-2010).
  • General Secretary of the Belgian Magistrate Association (2003-2008).
  • Member of the National Joint Committee for Diamond ((1978-1995).
  • President of jewel and precious stones department of ABEX (1985-1995).


  • K.G.S.O.(Chamber of Experts of the Court of Justice).
  • INTER-EXPERT (France-Germany).
  • ORDINEX (consultative committee at the economic and social Council of the United Nations).
  • ABEX (Association of Belgian Experts 1933).
  • World Federation of Diamond Bourses,
  • Diamond Club,
  • Diamond Bourse,
  • Diamond Kring (diamond rough market),
  • Vrije Diamanthandel,
  • The Syndicate of the Belgian Diamond Industry,
  • AJPBE Association of Belgian and foreign journalist, accredited by the NATO,
  • The World Periodical Press Organisation.
  • Association of Magistracy of the Court of Labour of Belgium (Brussels).
  • Society for Labour Justice (University of Antwerp)
  • Society of the Order of Leopold.
    • « Hardness 10 » Diamond, history, cutting and trade – also published in Dutch and French.
      (Europe’s N°1 selling book on trade and manufacturing).
    • « The Brilliant Story of Antwerp Diamond », co.author.
    • « Diamonds Reality and Passion »- also published in Dutch and French.
    • « La Taille des Pierres de Couleurs, un Art, un Plaisir, une Passion » also published in Italian.
    • “Rough Diamond Grading Courses” for International Gemmological Institute Antwerp, and several other publications.
    Journalist at:
    • “La Revue du Bijoutier” Paris.
    • “Syndicate of Belgium Diamond Industry” Antwerp.
    • “La Semaine” Belgium.
    • “World Periodical Press News”.
    • “Géo Money”.
    • Member of the editorial staff of the French Gemmological Association in Paris, AFG.
    • Belgium, Court of Commerce, Court of Justice, Court of Appeal, Public Prosecutor, Criminal Court.
    • Customs and Excises since 1980.
    • Brazil: expert and consultant precious stones and mining.
    • Canada: expert and consultant for diamond cutting.
    • Central Africa: expert and consultant for rough diamonds and diamond cutting.
    • Germany: Expert for the Criminal Court.
    • Guinea: Expert consultant rough diamond evaluation and mining.
    • Hong Kong: Consultant diamond cutting and trade.
    • India: Consultant diamond cutting.
    • Indonesia: Consultant mining and cutting precious stones.
    • Ivory Coast: Consultant mining.
    • Korea: Expert and consultant diamond cutting, transfer of technology.
    • Netherland: Expert for the Criminal Court.
    • Pakistan: Expert and consultant, diamond and precious stones cutting.
    • Polen: Warsaw, Elektrim.
    • Sri-Lanka: Expert and consultant diamond and precious stones cutting, heating process.
    • Swiss: Geneva expert-appraisal.
    • Thailand: Consultant diamond cutting.
    • Tunisia: Expert, transfer of technology for diamond cutting.
    • Vatican: Expert precious stones.
    • Vietnam: Consultant, diamond and precious stones cutting, mining.
    • Zambia: Consultant for precious stones cutting.
    Professional carrier:
    • 1969-1975: Diamond sawing factories with a hundred workers.
    • 1973-1983: Diamond cutting factory in Nijlen (Antwerp).
    • 1978-1983: Diamond cutting factory in Tunis.
    • 1980-1995: “Mineral Corner” trade in minerals and precious stones in Antwerp. Participation on mineral fairs in Antwerp, Brussels, Liege and Dordrecht (NL).
    • 1978: “Diamond & Gem Corporation” polished and rough diamond trade. Participation on jewellery fairs in Antwerp, Brussels, Basel, Milano, Hong-Kong, Vicenza, Bahrain, Abu-Dhabi, Paris, Lyon, Düsseldorf, Leipzig and Tokyo.
    • Diamonds and precious stones, evaluation, synthetics, cutting for jewellers and technical schools.
    • Diamond and precious stones: history, trade for service clubs.
    • Arbitration: for professional associations.
    • Certification of experts: for professional associations.
    • Done in Belgium: Antwerp, Brussels, Liege, Namur, Tournai, Louvain la Neuve.
    • Done in France: Paris, Saint Quentin, Saint Amand Montrond, Lille, Moulin.
    • Switzerland: Basel.
    • Italy: Vicenza and Milano.
    • Other: Warsaw, Colombo, Singapore, Los Angeles, Medan.
    Congress organisation.
    • Antwerp “European Precious Stones Conference” ’83-’85-’88-’95-’99 in Province House, Antwerp University and HRD building.
    • Paris: “Diamond Dream and Reality” Place Vendôme 2004.
    • Marakech: “European Precious Stones Conference” 2005.
    • Also organising of training courses for experts in diamonds and precious stones.
    Honorary title:
    • Appointed by His Majesty The King of Belgium as Knight of the Order of King Leopold II, as Knight of the Order of the Crown and Knight of the Order of Leopold.
    • Appointed by His Majesty The King of Belgium as Belgium Laureate of Labour, with Gold Palm Diamond Expert.
    • “Honoris Causa” diploma of the Experts of the Court of Justice.
    • “Pro Merito” diploma of Inter-Expert.
    • Emeritus Judge at the Court of Appeal of Labour in Antwerp.
  • Christian name : EDDY, EMMANUEL-JACQUES
  • Address : Diamond Club Pelikaanstraat, 62 – 2018 Antwerp
  • Born : Carcassonne (France) 28/08/1940
  • Nationality : Belgium

Curriculum vitae download


National Security Authority
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CV English Eddy V.
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CV Francais Eddy V.
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CV Nederlands Eddy V.
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